tark par pahunchana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word tark par pahunchana usage in english sentences. The examples of tark par pahunchana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., come.

Gradually people encouraged animals like sheep, goat, cow and pig to come near the camps where they lived.धीरे-धीरे लोग भेड़, बकरी, गाय और सूअर जैसे जानवरों को अपने घरों के नज़दीक आने को उत्साहित करने लगे|

Please kindly come tomorrow.आप कल आइए|
At the same time, creative ideas could come from persons who did not have a very high Q.
But the basic questions of the study of macroeconomics would remain the same and you will find that these are actually the broad economic questions that concern all citizens Will the prices as a whole rise or come down? Is the employment condition of the country as a whole, or of some sectors of the economy, getting better or is it worsening? What would be reasonable indicators to show that the economy is better or worse? What steps, if any, can the State take, or the people ask for, in order to improve the state of the economy? These are the kind of questions that make us think about the health of the country s economy as a whole.
If we apply the above mentioned three criteria to the countries of the world we would find that capitalist countries have come into being only during the last three to four hundred years.
For the last two years all our bad news had come from there the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer and I thought to myself, without stopping, What can be the matter now? Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, Don t go so fast, bub; you ll get to your school in plenty of time! I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M.
The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
You will also come to know about the changes British rule brought about in values and tastes, customs and practices.
In our daily life, we come across many situations like a hotel owner directing his employees to complete certain activities for organising a function, a teacher directing his student to complete an assignment, a film director directing the artists about how they should act in the film etc.
A manager may come across highly committed and hardworking staff or lazy, evasive and superficial workers.
संबंधित शब्द तर्क पर पहुँचना के पर्यायवाची तर्क पर पहुँचना के विपरीत शब्द